SQLINQ Class Library  (April 2015)
Using SQLINQ to transform UML to C#
Package Assets.SQLINQ.SQLite.Net


class  AutoIncrementAttribute
class  BaseTableQuery
class  CollationAttribute
class  ColumnAttribute
class  IgnoreAttribute
class  IndexedAttribute
class  MaxLengthAttribute
class  NotifyTableChangedEventArgs
class  NotNullAttribute
class  NotNullConstraintViolationException
class  Orm
class  PreparedSqlLiteInsertCommand
 Since the insert never changed, we only need to prepare once. More...
class  PrimaryKeyAttribute
class  SQLite3
class  SQLiteCommand
class  SQLiteConnection
 Represents an open connection to a SQLite database. More...
class  SQLiteConnectionString
 Represents a parsed connection string. More...
class  SQLiteException
class  TableAttribute
class  TableMapping
class  TableQuery
class  UniqueAttribute


enum  SQLiteOpenFlags {
  ReadOnly = 1, ReadWrite = 2, Create = 4, NoMutex = 0x8000,
  FullMutex = 0x10000, SharedCache = 0x20000, PrivateCache = 0x40000, ProtectionComplete = 0x00100000,
  ProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen = 0x00200000, ProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication = 0x00300000, ProtectionNone = 0x00400000
enum  CreateFlags {
  None = 0x000, ImplicitPK = 0x001, ImplicitIndex = 0x002, AllImplicit = 0x003,
  AutoIncPK = 0x004, FullTextSearch3 = 0x100, FullTextSearch4 = 0x200
enum  NotifyTableChangedAction { Insert, Update, Delete }